
This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Carol Camacho 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #140
     Carol Camacho 

    The landscape guys were here yesterday and left the soakers on overnight. The sprinkler box is open but I do not know how to shut it off. In the back the lawns are saturated and the water is running off on the walkway to the greenbelt.
    I have called AMI’s emergency number. No call back. I have called Blackstead but left a message.
    What do I do if this happens again.

     Carol Camacho 

    I was just called from AMI and they stated that the soakers were turned off. Not true. I just went out there at 4:03pm and the sprinkler box is still open and I can hear running water. The back has been saturated and there is not only standing water but it is flowing onto the Greenbelt area. This has caused some of the bark to wash away. I would like that bark replaced.
    Now at 4:08pm AMI is contacting someone else to just turn the water off!

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